vintage granny diamond

I love this vintage Golden Hands diamond pattern and the unusual way that it is constructed. Watch the video below for best results (the crossed treble is a bit difficult to explain in words), make one, make loads and join them all together to make something more than fabulous.

Vintage Diamond Granny Pattern

With any DK yarn and a 4mm or 5mm hook, ch5.

Round 1. ch3, 2tr, ch5, 1tr into last tr worked (yrh, in to front loop of last tr and round stem, pull up loop through stem and front loop, yrh and through 2 loops, yrh and through 2 more - cross treble worked), 3tr, 2ch, 3tr, ch5, 1 cross treble into last tr worked, 3tr, 2ch, join with ss to top of beg. ch3. 

Round 2. ch4 (counts as 1tr, 1ch), miss 1tr, *2tr into the next tr, ch1, 2tr, ch5, 1 cross treble into last tr worked, 2tr, ch1, 1tr into base of cross treble, 1tr into next tr, ch1, *(2tr, 2ch, 2tr) into next space, ch1, miss 2tr, repeat from * to *, (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into next space and join with a ss to 3rd of beg. ch4.

If none of this makes sense then watch the video. Ta-dah!

The yarn I'm using is this video is Hayfield Bonus DK in the colour Golden (although it is definitely more olive to me): and a pimped out Clover Amour Hook 5mm: - shopkins not provided, you'll have to go find your own June Balloon! (yes I know their names!).

Happy crocheting YO!